Saturday, September 15, 2012

23 August 2012

 Broken Spindles - 2002 - Imagine if you will, an entirely instrumental electronic album that, at times, sounds like an old Nintendo game, creepy industrial music, 80's house music, 70's glam, and you'd have Broken Spindles. The really cool thing about this "band" (pretty sure it's just the bass player from The Faint) is the live show. He had a large screen set up at the edge of the stage which he stood behind and performed, whilst projecting different videos that corresponded to the music he played. pretty keen.

 Talking Heads - Fear of Music - 1979 - This album sounds more mature to me, more of a combined effort, and Brian Eno was involved, so it is good. "Life During Wartime" is the song you know.

 Tristeza - Spine and Sensory - 1999 - All instrumental ringing slow rock. Piano with the sustain pedal held down, open string picking and asymmetrical drum beats make this record interesting. 

Heart - Little Queen - 1977 - Who would've thunk that a chick could sing like Robert Plant, go figure. This is 70's power pop at its best, a little angry, a little sad, but mostly just ROCK. "Kick it Out," "Barracuda," those names ring a bell? 

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